Main source of Real Estate Intelligence in Brazil

Main source of Real Estate Intelligence in Brazil

Sobre o DataZAP
Our goal is to be the main
source of information to our clients.
Our goal is to be the main
source of information to our clients.
nossas soluções
Intelligent and inovative
solutions for your company
Does your company need to price Real Estate automatically and fastly?
The Automated Value Model (AVM) available by API (also known as residential loan origination AVM) is a product that estimates as many as possible Real Estate prices through statistical models which are in line with best available methodologies. In 2 average weeks, we price Real Estate products.
Veja detalhes da solução para:
It aims a deep understanding of demand, supply and price behavior of a realty. You will want to know more about this solution!
The market study is the solution which analyses cities, neighborhoods and areas of interest to undestand how sociodemographics, demand and supply of both primary and secondary markets affects the studied property.
Veja detalhes da solução para:
If your company needs to inquire, assess and measure, you should know more about this solution.
The pesquisas primárias will support your company’s stakeholders in decision making and opportunity seizing. The pesquisas primárias can be customized according to your necessities.
Veja detalhes da solução para:
What aspect of the real estate market would you like to understand?
The special studies are customized studies to support your company. This solution fits better companies seeking specific insights of the property market, complementary analyses, macroeconomic scenario evaluation, studies of financial and economic viability among others.
Veja detalhes da solução para:
Evaluate the performance of your company’s property portfolio and map strategic regions
The Onde Vale is a intelligence solution of our platform that will support the understanding and mapping of price and demand dynamics of local areas of interest.
Veja detalhes da solução para:
Do you want to find out the price of a realty?
The Quanto Vale solution will help your company in decision making by pricing Real Estate and comparing it to close neighbours (both in distance and type).
Veja detalhes da solução para:
Automated Value Models by API
Market Study
Survey and Research
Special Studies
Onde Vale
Quanto Vale
Principais Clientes
We offer our solutions to many distinct segments acting in Real Estate
We are borne from the convergence of the Real Estate market, digital media and technology
de Venda
Preços residenciais registram nova aceleração em março
Abril 2024
de Locação
Preços de locação sobem 3,75% no primeiro trimestre
Abril 2024
Imóveis comerciais registram valorização em fevereiro
Março 2024
Raio X
Percentual de descontos volta a subir e é o maior em 3 anos
4º Trimestre 2023
de Venda
Preços residenciais registram nova aceleração em março
Abril 2024
de Locação
Preços de locação sobem 3,75% no primeiro trimestre
Abril 2024
Imóveis comerciais registram valorização em fevereiro
Março 2024
Raio X
Percentual de descontos volta a subir e é o maior em 3 anos
4º Trimestre 2023
Geo Análise
Geoimovel Report #28
Radar Imobiliário
36ª Edição – Radar Imobiliário
Geo Análise
Geoimovel Report #29
Geo Análise
Geoimovel Report #30
Geo Análise
Geoimovel Report #31
Pesquisa de Mercado
Presença masculina na busca por imóveis 2023
Uma marca